报告编号 201736000L040997
委托日期 2017-01-05 16:51:03
委托人姓名 Fleta
委托单位 YneNFTcxfBaFjVl
委托人Email mr2of0so@outlook.com
联系电话 78503849926
在线联系方式 CuRtNnBnEbZIu
项目名称(中文) fHhTTtiqfukafsXSU
项目名称(英文) AmafflNcNHD
查新检索目的 ;
详细查新目的 Rondel,I stand by my statements about Student Loan Debt. If there is any other way for an education to be paid for its best that you take that route. Student Loans should be used as a last resort after scoisarshhpl, working thru college etc. Having both Mom and Dad in hoc for 400-800 a month each at age 25 during prime child rearing years is clearly not in the best financial interests of the family. Look at #7 from ESO.
查新地域 国内外查新
查新点 丁家桥校区
学院类型 物理系
项目级别 市级
期望领取报告日期 mimWnpzj
付款方式 校内转账
开票单位 qBelydikhTtTzrVqIZY
取件方式 自取
通信地址 YWshUFqulqITJ
附件下载 下载文档
其他说明 Rondel,I stand by my statements about Student Loan Debt. If there is any other way for an education to be paid for its best that you take that route. Student Loans should be used as a last resort after scoisarshhpl, working thru college etc. Having both Mom and Dad in hoc for 400-800 a month each at age 25 during prime child rearing years is clearly not in the best financial interests of the family. Look at #7 from ESO.
处理状态 待处理申请
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